Wednesday 1 February 2012

The Dog Days are Over

It's official: NO MORE CHEMO!!!111one!!! w00t!

I'm extremely happy about this, and so, so relieved. I have been planning in my head for 3 more cycles, and to have that cloud lifted is great. Especially as (and this is a silly reason I know) my hair is starting to grow back - 2 months after last treatment. To think that I'd have another 3 months of chemo, and then another 2 months before my hair is back at the feeble and patchy state it is now was most depressing. I also noticed yesterday that I have a line of very short lower eyelashes.

So next up on the treatment wheel will be:
  • Genetic Testing - booked in for Friday to have blood tests to determine if my cancer has a known genetic base. Given my age, it's almost certainly genetic, but only a few specific breast cancer markers have been identified so far. I wonder if the samples are used to identify new ones, if the current known markers come up blank... I like the idea of helping to move the science forward, even only in a tiny way.
  • ECG test - before I can have Herceptin treatment my heart function needs to be tested to make sure it's nice and sturdy, and also to get a baseline reading, as Herceptin can cause heart problems, so this will be a fairly regular occurance for the next year.
  • Get a port put in. My veins are all broken, and I'll need 13 infusions of Herceptin, so I'll need an alternative to an arm vein - minor surgery required to put in a tube in a vein in my chest so that this can be done.
  • Radiotherapy: 3 weeks of daily treatments, which can be done in Bracknell, just down the road, which is a bonus. Sideeffects: sunburn like effects to the skin, tiredness, potential lung and bone denisty damage
  • Herceptin: this can start at the same time as the radiotherapy. Apart from potential heart issues, pretty much side effect free, just need to go in once every three weeks for an infusion, which takes about an hour.
  • And then I should be done, just be hoping it doesn't come back!
I'm really looking forward to getting my life back, sorting out our garden, going back to work, and generally having a normal life again. I'm nearly there. I should be well enough to at least start going back to work in a few weeks, which is probably a good thing, as I'm getting worryingly addicted to Skyrim...