Friday, 6 January 2012

Post Op

I'm through the op now and feeling OK all things considered. Pain is largely under control but am about to be given some morphine to knock it on the head.

I'll post more about the op later as I'm having to type left handed on the iPhone, which is a challenge. My right arm is a bit useless for the moment, it's quite painful to move it, although its the chest muscles that hurt rather than the arm. If I'm still I'm alright. Not feeling too bad from the anaesthetic- last time I had one I was quite sick, so fingers crossed that won't happen this time.

Plan is for me to head home late this afternoon once the drain under my arm can be taken out.


  1. Hi sarah, glad to hear all has gone well. All the best for a speedy recovery. Rob J

  2. Hello Sa, Glad you got through it. Hope you'll feel better when you get to your mums. If you can, sip some Tonic water it helps to keep the nausea at bay. (you woke up then!) Lots of love Tanya.
